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Why sell at auction?

Price – first and foremost because of the price.

When an item is up for auction at a major and well-known auction house, you can be sure that all serious collectors see it.

Instead of searching a few individual dealers and try to negotiate with several different people who will try to lower the price, at an auction the item is advertised to many serious collectors and dealers in Israel and a lot more collectors and dealers around the world.

Way try to deal with one or two dealers that will try to lower the price, when at an auction the price just goes up and up until which the last lucy bidder, the one who offers the highest bid…. wins

When trying to sell to merchants they will try to buy the item at the lowest price that will allow them to make the most profit.

But at an auction, a large proportion of bidders are private collectors and private customers who are not buying for the purpose of trading and are therefore willing to pay much more than a dealer.

For example, when an item goes up for auction it can be contested by various bidders who will want it for themselves in addition to dealers, who will recognize the true value of the item and be willing to pay its true price. This is especially noticeable in special and rare items. If you have a collector’s item that you don’t see every day, it will be a difficult to impossible task, to find the buyer who will agree to pay a decent price for it, and this is our specialty to find the right person at the right time and create the connection between the seller / item / buyer.

Collectors today know that when the item is offered for sale, they probably have a one-time opportunity to get their hands on the item, otherwise it will be sold to another collector and disappear from the market. Therefore, at an auction, collectors can compete and raise the price of the item, sometimes even higher than the first estimates.

Another important thing for the seller is transparency – an auction allows a fair and transparent process for the seller in every part of the process, from the delivery of the item to the auction house until receiving the payment for it, the entire sale process itself with the ability to always see what the current price of each item is and at what price it is sold in the end, when selling through A dealer or broker in a private transaction, you will never know how much the item actually sold for and whether you received 90% of the consideration or 20% of the true value.

At an auction we always try to make the seller happy, if a dealer or broker tries to lower the price, the auction house is on the side of the seller since the auction house is obligated to get the best price for the owner of the item

Another advantage is that the sellers can also attend the sales themselves or watch them online live, so they know they are getting the full value.

Another advantage is the speed of the sale – when an item seller wants to sell an item and needs to reach the right collector who will agree to pay the right price, it is a long and tedious process that can take a lot of time, especially for special items and especially when it comes to items traded in other countries.

A well-known auction house has the knowledge and expertise in a variety of fields that are required in the sale of a wide variety of items such as paintings, silverware, jewelry, watches, carpets, statues, antiques, and more, and especially in the case of the sale of estates and contents And here the auction house serves as a single starting point that is a place for all types of items, saving the need to go to a large number of dealers and collectors in different and diverse fields.

A good auction house will always have different experts in different fields who know the different items very well, each in their own field of expertise.

The experts will be able to check and give a price estimate according to the market situation in recent years, and despite this, as is known in an auction, the price can rise even beyond the estimates.

Expertise – the auction house experts check thousands of items. And here is their advantage and that of the seller in that they know what to look for, what is rare and in demand, and above all know how to identify the treasures that even the owners of the items themselves do not always recognize, And this is something that our experts will avoid, if you are not so sure what you have in hand you may sell a sought-after and rare item very cheaply, but the experts of the auction house will know how to identify the high-quality items and evaluate them at the right price.

Timing is another important parameter that the seller also needs to know when it’s worth selling and when it’s worth waiting, everything has its time, sometimes there are artists on the rise and sometimes it’s not their time, which is true for other areas.

The auction house experts know the market situation well and can help sellers make informed decisions.

What should you sell now and which items should you wait? The ideal solution for the sale of collections, inheritances and estates – especially when it comes to a collection of companies, receivers, inheritances or estates, the best way is to let one party manage the sale of the items in a transparent and fair manner, which will allow fair and equitable dealings with different bidders, and regulate the distribution of the proceeds between the sellers /The Descendants.